Monthly archives: June 2007

2 posts

(Tarnished) Gold Medal for ActiveSteve!

Howdy all! Welcome to another edition of my race result reports. This report will fill you in on all the gory details of my recent Kayak Triathlon, the Ottawa Riverkeeper Kayak Triathlon. This race consisted of a 5km paddle, followed by a 20km bike, topped off by a 5km run. I raced in this one last year, and got a nice second place finish, just behind Mike Caldwell. This year, I had a newer, faster boat, a newer, faster bike, and an even greater desire to be victorious. Also, Mike wasn’t going to be in this one. So, I was planning to give it my all and not accept anything less than a first place finish. And that’s just what I got, or at least initially. I got the medal, I got the prizes, but then found out later that I actually only came in second place… again! Read on for the whole story. You can also check out some pics that the lovely Jody took at the race.

Happy Birthday to Me!

Hello everyone in Blog-land! As seems to be the trend lately, I’m about two weeks late getting a post put together to let you know what I’ve been up to. As usual, there really aren’t any really good excuses, I’ve just been traveling a bit for work lately, and doing lots of training, as well as hosting Jody’s parents for a week. However, I’ll fill you in a little bit on the latest happenings. The most significant news of late is of course that I’ve earned another candle on my cake of life. Yup, on May 31st I turned the ripe old age of 32. Or as Jody decided to put it on my birthday cake, I was celebrating my sweet 16 times two. To celebrate, we decided to have another little party at our place. Read on for a few more gory details of the evening in question. You can also check out some pics.