Daily archives: July 24, 2009

1 post

Great Result at Graham Beasley

Fondest greetings race fans! I’m happy to report that I’ve finally gotten past all my race postings related to the 2009 BC Bike Race. I know some of you have been waiting for something new from ActiveSteve, so I’m happy to bring you my latest blog posting, which is also a tasty race report. The results of this race, which was the Graham Beasley Olympic triathlon, marked a bit of an anniversary of sorts for me. As it turned out, this was the 2nd time I’ve taken part in this race. The first time? 5 years ago! This in fact was the first ever triathlon that I took part in. That time, I did the race swimming in baggy shorts, biking on a mountain bike, and capping that off with my first ever run after swimming and biking! The result in 2004? 2 hours, 58 minutes, and 57 seconds. I was 13 out of 14 in my category, 90th out of 107 for males! Needless to say, the results this time were much better 🙂 To see the pictures, click on over to the folder of pictures on Flickr that the lovely Jody took of me.