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Let it Snow! For the sake of Racing!

Hey gang. Thanks for tuning in. I’m going to write a quick blog post about the race that I just finished a couple hours ago. Normally, I’d drag my heels a bit, but given that I’m heading out of town soon, it’s probably better that I just get this done right away, don’t you think? Plus, it’ll be a little shorter than my normal race stories 🙂 Of course, I’m talking about that venerable racing tradition, the Mad Trapper Snowshoe race series opener! Today was set to be the ‘flatter’ course; a test of strength over a course of 9.2km (two loops of 4.6km). Of course, ‘flatter’ by no means implies ‘flat’, it was a lot of slogging up and down minor hills. For the full quick dump, read on. You might also want to check out a few videos [update: There is now a huge gallery of shots from the race from the photographer up] from the day capture via Andrew Cameron’s helmet cam. Pretty cool footage I must say!

The Long Lonely Road to Boston

Wow! I can’t believe I’m finally writing this blog post. In truth, this one has been quite a while in the making. In fact, I’d say that it’s been in the works since I first started running many years back. So what am I talking about here? How about a Boston-qualifying marathon time of 3 hours and 10 minutes? Although this post is mainly about my race, don’t think for a moment that a marathon is limited to the 42.2km that you need to run. In truth, a marathon is a journey that starts long before the starting pistol is fired, and requires sacrifice, perseverance, and dedication. In the spirit of that, I’m going to have to ask your indulgence in my post as I’ll probably wax a little poetic at times about how I got to this point. As my title implies, I had to complete this journey over the weekend on my own. That unfortunately meant that my usual race photographer wasn’t with me 🙂 However, I did manage to take a few pictures on my own, but nothing from the race. I also had my GPS with me, so I put together a nice little map of the day that you can check out. Afterwards, wander on back and read the rest of my story.

Turning Shoes into a Kayak

Howdy all, as you might be able to tell from both my clever title, and the accompanying picture, I am now the proud owner of a new kayak! Well, not quite a new kayak, but definitely new to me. What you are looking at is the gorgeous Perception Kayaks’ Cadence 14 boat. This little gem was just introduced last year, so it’s a relatively new model. So just how exactly did I go from shoes to a kayak? Well, that’s pretty simple to answer. As many of you are aware, I’m a bit of a frugal fellow when it comes to the little things, but I have this rather odd compulsion to drop large piles of money on new toys at the drop of the hat when something strikes my fancy and the mood strikes me. This little gem was just one such of those experiences. I was heading to Bushtukah for the semi-annual VIP sale when good shoppers like me are given the chance to save some coin over regular prices. I was originally going in to buy a new pair of runners, trail shoes, and / or bike shoes, but instead was wowed into getting this boat. Read on for the rest of the story. Oh, and check out the rest of the pictures I took.

Back in the Land of Snow

Click here for pics from the last 2 days in Buenos Aires and the flight home. Arrgh! Although I should be happy that we arrived back in Canada safe and sound, I can’t help but feel a little sad that I’m no longer living the life of a rich man in Argentina. The flights back were pretty routine. The only real snafu was Jody sadly lost the pendant on a nice necklace that she picked up while we were down there. It was a sad moment. The trip took us about 15 hours of total flying time, and a combined 2 hours of lay-overs in Santiago and Toronto. I used my last pesos to buy a couple beers and waters in Buenos Aires. I ended up spending all but about $5 US of all the money I had converted.

ActiveSteve Gets a New Toy!

Welcome back to another addition of “Just what the hell has Steve gone out an bought now?”. My co-workers are always commenting that I obviously don’t have any children, as coming back from a weekend, I’m always sharing stories of long days training, or hard nights drinking, or even on occasion of new toys purchased selfishly for myself. This post will be about just such a thing I suppose. True, having no children likely does afford me a certain amount of leeway in my purchases that others don’t have, but I’m okay with that 🙂 From a very young age, I was raised with the understanding that if I wanted something, I had to buy if for myself. I never got fancy gifts as a child, but was always encouraged to find ways to get the things I wanted. That’s never really left me, and here’s a little post about my latest acquisition that I’ve been lusting after for some time. Read on about my new UMPC!