Daily archives: December 3, 2005

3 posts

Let the Laziness Begin!

Yup, thar she be folks! The La-Z-Boy couch has arrived and is all set up in the basement. With that behemoth set up, I guess we’re done phase 6 in the basement renovation. We’re rounding the final corner (ha ha, did you get the pun there?). All that remains is to build the bar, and put in a new coffee table I guess. Unfortunately, that bar is going to be no easy task. I’ve been doing my research, and going over the plans in detail, and all I can say is that it’s a pretty major first wood-working project to be undertaking. I mean, I really want this thing to look good, and I’m worried I might not have the mad skills for it! However, rest assured, I’ll take my anal time with it, and make sure it turns out something special 🙂 I’ve even bought yet another tool to do so, a new plunge router! But enough about the bar. How about that couch? It’s a sectional, the smallest you can get, but it still manages to look like a giant in that room, and unfortunately, dwarfs our current 32″ TV. So what does Jody say? ” I guess we need a new TV”. Those are dangerous words to say to a big ticket shop-a-holic! However, we really can’t afford that right now, so I’ll just have to start dreaming about my 45″ LCD HD Widescreen TV (the Sony Bravia looks nice!). My guess is that after Christmas, in the winter doldrums, prices will [yet again] drop probably my 25-40% on TVs. Mark my words. Then.. look out world, here comes Stevey. At least that’ll give me time to properly research what ‘I need’. Till then, I’ll just have to curl up on this fancy couch, and play Xbox on my wee 32 incher. Ha ha. That’s it for now.

Winter Biking is Cold..

Ahh, Canadian winter. Is there anything better?! Yes, anywhere else, as far as training goes. I’ve decided to get off my duff and start being more disciplined about training again, and unfortunately, that means making the best of what can be bad situations. Case in point, it’s cold, but I want to bike. Now, I can bike in my basement, on a traininer, which I regularly do, but that get’s boring, right? So to mix it up a bit, I decided to bike to Dave’s for today’s training run with he and Kevin. Seemed like a great idea. Rather than talk about the run, you can check their blog, I’m sure they’ll write about it! The sun was shining, and it was ONLY -8C when I left. Yeah, except for that damn little thing called WIND. Geez Louis, can’t we turn that stuff off? Anyway, it was a relatively short 11km bike to Daves, followed by a reasonable 12.5km run, capped by the return 11km bike. Well, by the time I returned home, I was nearly dead! I think I may not have eaten enough. It’s all part of my winter training for Adventure racing. I’m trying to get a feel for what works, and what doesn’t, as well as how much food I need for colder racing. I’m also hoping to do some winter AR races this year, so I had to test my gear. Anyway, it was an okay training day, and I had a blast running with the boys. If it wasn’t for them motivating me to run, it would be awfully easy to just veg at home on the cold weekends! Thanks Boyz.

Poor Doggy…

Well, alas poor Jonah has been undergoing a bit of a bad spell recently. We just passed his 3rd birthday, and until now, all was pretty good. However, this year has been a bit of a rough one for old Jonah. They say that mutts are generally healthier than pure-breds, but I’m starting to wonder. This year, Jonah has gone through ear infections, allergies, and “bum” issues, which I’d rather not get into. The latest problem is a combination of several, and we’re now worried it might be a sign of something worse. As you can see, he’s wearing the cone of silence this weekend, to keep him from chewing and licking himself raw. You can also see his nose growth which materialized in three days. He’s also got another ear infection! Woes me. Lots of drugs and resting for him. Maybe the new couch will help him. The trouble is that we suspect he may have Lupus. Not a great thing if he does. Basically, his body might be attacking itself (auto-immune disorder). For now, we’re trying a cycle of drugs, to eliminate other possibilities. If he has Lupis, we’ll have to do some biopsies, and find out for sure. Unfortunately, that testing ain’t cheap. But he’s worth it, despite his many annoyances, he is part of the family, and deserves our love and care. We’ll keep you posted if we hear more…