trail running

27 posts

Rocking and Rolling 50k at Bear Mountain

Good day race fans! Well, here we are. We find ourselves at the first race of the summer racing season for ActiveSteve. To start things off with a bang, I decided to sign up for the 50k North Face Endurance Challenge Series event in Bear Mountain, NY. This race is a mere hour from the Big Apple, but you’d never know it from the rugged terrain and superb park that serves as the race setting. In an effort to be a little more ‘punchy’, I’m going to try to make my race reports a little shorter and more readable from […]

Reaching the “Peak” of Winter Racing

Howdy once more race fans! I have one final race report from the 2014 winter racing season to share with you. Actually, I *think* it’ll be the final winter race report. Given the winter we’ve had, I can’t really say with any conviction that I won’t be racing in snow next month! At any rate, I’m here to tell you all about the Mount Orford Snow Trail Race, which is an interesting race featuring 3 different summits, which you attain by either running, snowshoeing, or skiing. You have to complete the entire race in one of those disciplines, and are […]

Dropping the Hammer at the Anvil

ActiveSteves First Lap

Hello race fans! Long time no speak. My last big race was in September when I did the 65km UTHC race in Charlevoix. After that, it was full swing into final wedding preparations, honeymoon planning, and various other things. I realized that it was high time I threw myself back into the mix, so on a whim, I decided two days before the race that I’d sign up for a local cross-country running race, known as “The Anvil on Foot“. The main event over the weekend is actually a series of cyclocross races, but on Sunday morning, before the bikes races, they also host a foot race, which I, along with several from my trail running group, decided to lace up for. It was relatively short and sweet, but very cold. Deanna was onsite snapping pictures during the day as well, and I had a great run. Check out her pictures on Flickr, then read the rest of my race story.

65Km Trail Trial in the Charlevoix (My First ULTRA)

643 At Finish

Good day friends! Sometimes, you just have to take a chance on a race because it looks cool. Such was the case when I decided to head to the Charlevoix region of Quebec from the newly-minted Ultra-Trail Harricana 65km trail running race. I’ve been thinking about trying to tackle a really long running race for a little while now, and this one looked like it might fit the bill. Beautiful region, challenging course, small starting field, and a UTMB points qualifier. It was also going to be my only real running race of the year, after tackling a number of different fun races all summer. Seemed like the best way to close out my summer race season, and get ready for the lead-up for the wedding! So, Deanna, and I made a long weekend of it, and made the journey together. Read on for the full story, and don’t forget to check out all the cool pictures Deanna caught of racers during the event. Oh yeah, and I also covered it for the magazine as well.

Does my Ass Look Fat to You?

Says it All

There is an expression that I’ve found particularly useful at certain times in my life: “Discretion is the better part of valour”. It is a literary expression which means that it is better to be careful and think before you act than it is to be brave and take risks. It is most commonly referenced to Shakespeare, in Henry IV, Part One (1596). Where have I found this applicable? Well, it’s very good to remind yourself of this phrase when you are a competitive athlete and have some sort of injury. Another good expression would be “Live to fight another day”. In the context of this post, I’m using it in relation to an ankle injury I sustained 3 weeks before my final big ‘summer’ race of the season, a 25km trail running race. While I may not have completely heeded my own advice, I did moderate my participation in the Fat Ass Trail Run, and this post will tell you all about it! I covered this event for Get Out There Magazine and created a video review, and also snapped a number of pictures from the event. Now read on to learn more about the event and my injury.