Mad Trapper Finale: Showdown in the Snowshoes

Wow! I’ve been so excited and happy with my result in the last Mad Trapper snowshoe race of the season that I couldn’t find the time to blog about it! Can you believe that? Well, it’s partly true. I thought about writing up the story Saturday afternoon, but that seemed too ambitious. Then, life got in the way for a couple days, but here I am to fill you all in on my winter race-season closing race. As some of you may have already looked at the pictures and/or read Mike’s own race report, you’ve probably heard that I WON first place overall!! No joke! I’ve looked back on all my race results, and it turns out this is only the 2nd time I win 1st place overall in a race. Last time was in August of 2007! While some of the top guns were not present this time, it was still a hard-fought battle, and I invite you all to read on for the rest of my happy story.

ActiveSteve Tries Something New

Good evening sports fans! Well, a few days have passed since my last race, so I figured that it was time to fill you all in on my latest athletic endeavour. It was a doozy for me, and something completely new to me. What was this feat you ask? Well, how about the Gatineau Loppet? And what is that you might ask? Well, try on a 53km classic ski race that attracts an International field of competitors for size. Yup, it was certainly a crazy pursuit in my mind, but something I wanted to try my hand at nonetheless. Also, this was a necessary component if I plan to get a Rudy Award this year. Of course, that plan may be dead in the water, but at least I would give most of the races a try. If you’d like to, you can look at a few pictures from the event that I took, although none from the race course itself. After that, come on back for a more detailed account of my day in the snow!

New Ride for ActiveSteve!

Just a very short blog post to share a bit of exciting news to me. I just bought a new car this week! Yup, it was time for some new wheels to drag my butt around to my different races and to get to the training grounds around here. What did I buy? Well, how about a 2010 Hyundai Elantra Touring (GLS Model)! I’d often been looking at cars like the Toyota Matrix and Subaru Outback, so I was interested in a wagon-esque sled. An opportunity presented itself, and the price was right, so I snatched it up 🙂 I got them to install a roof rack and bike rack as well, so I’m totally ready to roll. To see more pictures of it, head over to my folder on flickr. Probably the last time it’ll be so clean! With this car, it’ll be much easier to load / unload a kayak from the roof I also got a stick shift, so the fun of driving is back 🙂 See, told you the post would be short!

“Tri”-ing my best in the 2010 Winterlude Triathlon

Howdy folks! Hope everyone is going okay during this delightful cold snap that we seem to be suffering through in Ottawa. Must say that I’m not a huge fan of trudging to the bus stop every morning in what seems to be lower than -15deg C weather! But I digress, this isn’t the place to discuss weather, is it? You undoubtedly are tuning in to read about my latest racing results, right? Well, at least that’s what I’m here to write about. Quite a treat too, as this was my first ‘required’ event for the Rudy Award that I had planned on nabbing this year. However, that seems more unlikely now, given that I’m probably trading a ‘required’ event to do a 24 hour adventure race instead. What can I say? I know where my priorities are. Fun first, results second! At any rate, I’ve already paid entry for a few of the other events, so I’ll do them and race hard 🙂 To see some pictures from before and after the 2010 Winterlude Tri, you can check out my set on flickr. Not too much excitement there, but at least you’ll see how the transition area was laid out. Now onto the story!

Bidding Adieu to Africa

Wow! I can’t believe I’m finally writing up this post. This will be my final post dedicated to talking about the African Adventures that we recently had. There really isn’t all that much to share in this post either, as the day was dominated by a really long shuttle ride to the airport and then whoosh, we were off! However, it will give me a chance to perhaps close out with a few of my final thoughts on the overall trip. I’m not sure how that’ll turn out yet as it will possibly just make me want to pull out my credit card and charge up my next adventure right away. Isn’t credit great? I’ll try to resist the urge for a little longer, but rest assured, there will be many more adventures by ActiveSteve in the coming year(s). No map to share either, but I can at least point you to a few photographs that were put up onflickr. Read on if you dare for the rest of my tale.