Howdy folks. Just a quick little note to say I’m sorry that I’ve been tardy in posting my full race report from Boston! It’s hard to imagine, but it’s already been 2 weeks since I crossed that one off my athletic bucket list 🙂 Sadly, still no post for you. I’ve sort of been waiting to get all my ‘official’ race photos that I paid for before posting anything. In the meantime though, you can browse through the set of pictures that I took myself while running the race. You can also check out pictures from touring around Boston. As a final bonus, you can even check out the map that I made of my run using my GPS and the pictures I snapped on the course. Hopefully those will at least tide some of you over until I can properly put the experience into words :-). Till then, thanks for checking in!
Howdy everyone out there. Quick post to send out a great big Happy Birthday to my favourite niece in the entire galaxy. Helena celebrated her fourth birthday yesterday, on the 13th of April! She’s been quite excited about the big event some time now. In fact, a couple months ago she was already telling me that I’d be invited to her party. Lucky me, right? Well I think so, given that not too many people were invited personally by her 🙂 Instead of having to deal with a big group of little people in the middle of a work week, parents Andrea and Patrick opted to throw a little party for her over the weekend, and it went swimmingly well. The weather definitely co-operated, and the venue was a great location for a group of wired youngsters. If you’d like to check out how that unfolded, you can have a look at a set of pictures I put up on flickr. Afterward, come on back for a quick re-cap of the day.
Yup, that’s right, you read correctly. I’m now actually less than a week away from running one of the world’s most famous races, the Boston Marathon. In fact, this will be the 114th edition of the race, and for me, the 6th time that I run 42.2km all at once! The funniest part about this (at least in my mind) is that to me, it’s more of a training event than a main event. I know, sounds crazy, but in just over 2 months from now, I’ll be doing a 3-day race in which one of the days is a 62km off-road trail run! So for that reason, this isn’t the pinnacle of my 2010 season, but just a warm-up. However, that in no way will detract from the event for me, and in fact, makes is easier to just enjoy the day. I plan to carry a camera and my GPS, so there should be ample photographic evidence of my day on the classic road to the finish in Boston! Although I leave in about 4 days, I feel pretty disorganized, or at least not really in the right headspace. To hear a bit more about why that is, and some other latest news, read on. The picture? Well, that’s just one from my recent move to my new home in Gatineau, why not have a look at the full folder of pictures from the move? After that, come on back for more!
Howdy folks! Have you been missing me of late? There really hasn’t been that much to fill you all in on that would be of great interest. Basically, I’ve been training and packing and working. Boring, right? Also ActiveSteve has been operating out of a temporary location, and that hasn’t been all that conducive to doing much other than the things I’ve listed. However, that is all about to change tomorrow, on April 1st. Why you ask? Because I’m pulling up stakes and heading to a whole other province to my new house! Yup, it’s moving day! Get the keys at noon, and movers should show up at the old place soon after. I imagine you are all now wondering what sort of casa I managed to find in a short period, right? Well, you’re curiosity will be rewarded. For starters, just check out the folder of pictures that I put up on flickr. Afterwards, read on for a few more details.
Howdy world. Well, I suppose I’m breaking some cardinal rule of Las Vegas by writing this post, but lets just say I’ll stick to the relatively family friendly aspects of the trip to share with you all. To save you the wondering, yes, I did see ‘The Hangover’, and yes, things went down a little like that. Not quite to the extreme, but there were some interesting moments for sure. In respect of the code, I’ll keep this post short and to the point, and just give you an overview of the whole trip. For a great overview, just click your little fingers over to my flickr site and peruse some pictures and video from the weekend. Then come on back and read the whole sordid tale, including the why, the where and the what.