The Christmas Day 10k and other Tales

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Seasons Greetings bloggerinos! As aluded to in my previous post, I will now write out a slightly longer account of my past few days off. All said, it was a great few days, although I missed my better half over my time off, and didn’t play nearly enough video games (none) or watch nearly enough movies (2, both yesterday!). However, I got a fair bit of house chores done, messed around with a few computers, exercised a good little bit, and even worked! Even though I was home alone for the actual holidays, I managed to snag two great Christmas meals. On Christmas eve, my sister invited me to her place to celebrate with her, Patrick and Helena. It was my niece’s first Christmas, so how could I turn that down? Then on Christmas day, I was invited to join the crazy Clyman’s clan for Turkey dinner. Since I had missed Oktoberfest (and the associated Turkey ) this year in K-W, I jumped at the chance to feast on a plump bird and the trimmings fixed up by Roger and Sharon! Thanks to all my ‘hosts’ over the holidays, making sure I can’t lose any weight πŸ˜‰

This milder-than-usual Christmas holiday made it a great time to get outside and keep active as well. Even though I’m supposed to be holding back a bit, I had to take advantage of the fine weather. Although I haven’t broken any speed records, I did manage to go running three days in a row. First 8k, then 9k, capped off with a Christmas Day 10k run. I was flabbergasted with my time of 53 minutes! I’m way off marathon pace if I plan to qualify for Boston. However, on the plus, there was almost no pain. Almost. I’ve also squeezed in a couple spin classes and have been swimming. Saturday, I managed to stroke out over 2.5km in one session. Huzzah. Apparently, swimming is great, and I can do as much as I want. I’ll need it, in order to complete my first Ironman with a good time!

Thanks to my sis and bro-in-law for a great meal, and fun times with my niece. I was lucky enough to be part of bath time, feeding time, playing time, present time, and sleeping time. I got stuffed with a great veal dish prepared by chef Patrick. Topped with a great bottle of Red that I brought over. For desert, a nice chocolate flan of sorts. We also lit the candles on the christmas tree, chatted about the old days, and listened to motown, as well as Christmas tunes. Tradition dictated that we open presents Christmas eve as well, so we swapped some gifts and had a great time seeing what we each got. I was given some adventure-themed ornaments (backpack, tent, sleeping bag and lantern) for the tree, a nice book, and a really cool tech t-shirt that was hand-lettered by my sister. You’ll have to see that one for yourself. It’s for my NZ trip, and says “If lost, please return to” then a Canada flag sewn below. Too cool. Thanks guys!!

The time flew by, and before I knew it, it was midnight… Christmas Day! We had lost track of time while playing on their new iMac upstairs, which was a gift to themselves. Unfortunately, they didn’t really know what to do with it. A couple clicks, and we were playing on Utube. I’m sure Patrick has found many train videos to watch now! Ha ha. Soon I was off to home, to tuck Jonah and I in with visions of sugarplums in my head πŸ˜‰

Christmas Day, and we were greeted with grey skies, and no snow. Oh well. I made myself a nice big pancake breakfast with bacon. Yum yum. Being a bachelor is sort of fun, but I’m running out of food! Ha! The thought had crossed my mind to buy groceries, but I’ve got enough chow to last, and am trying to 100% avoid ANY stores over the holidays. So far, I’m winning. I then worked a couple hours before lacing up and doing my Christmas day run. It was crisp and nice out. I had my tunes, and just let my feet carry me where they may. Although the speed may have been slow, my spirit was light. I definitely had to get out there, since I had a turkey to eat later!

After showering up, I headed over to Al and Matt’s house. Vince (Al’s brother) had already called a couple times, so I figured I better get over there. Once there, I found out that most of the crew had been napping, and Vince playing PS2 games. Lindsay and Jim had already left, and Matt was apparently on his way back from his folks place. We listened to Christmas tunes and watched Vince play games for a bit before Matt got in. Then it was turkey time. Delicious. Everyone was very festive, and there was plenty of Christmas craziness. After dinner, Al, Matt, Vince and I played a few rounds of Scotland Yard. We also listened to Twisted Sister’s ‘A Twisted Christmas’ CD 3 or 4 times in a row. Thanks for that Rob! Matt, Vince and I also played a bit of our favourite, Guitar Hero on the PS2.

The high (or low) -light of the evening had to be Sharon’s near poisoning experience. Al had put cream bleach on the stove to clean a burner. Sharon then had a lid of some sort that she placed accidentally on it. Alix said something like “oh, there’s cream on it now, so I’ll have to clean it” about the lid. Sharon thought that meant the substance on the stove was cream, and took a taste! She very quickly figured out it was NOT cream. Alix was laughing uncontrollably until she realized the possible seriousness. Sharon had run upstairs to the washroom, and Alix read the poison control directions. A glass of milk was rushed upstairs. It took a little while, but eventually all was under control. No one was really hurt, and we even managed to poke fun at both Alix and Sharon about it. All the while, Roger had been waiting for his Tea, that Sharon was preparing. ” Will I ever get my tea?” he joked. No cream in it please though! They eventually decided to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”, and I snuck back home. It was a great night. Thanks Clymans crew!

To finish off my days off, the next day, I headed to the movies with the Clymans again to see Casino Royale. Awesome movie. Daniel Craig: awesome James Bond. I highly approve of the direction they took the movie in. I’m quite sure Bond will find a new audience for his films. There may not have been skimpy Bond-girl scenes, or even any gadgets, but this super-spy was an excellent portrayal of Ian Fleming’s character. Can’t wait for the next one.

Well, that’s if for me for now. Hope everyone is doing well, and here’s to the New Year celebrations yet to come!!

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