Alrighty, now that Kev has worked out some kinks in the mighty system, I’m ready to blog directly from within Flickr. Sweet.. Yes Boris, perhaps I will achieve Zen and use Flock eventually, but for now, gotta get my training wheels on right. At any rate, here you will see a picture taken last Canada Day (July 1, 2005). My band, named Comfort Station was playing at an outdoor party for a crowd of about 500. It was sweet. Anyway, this was a shot of the Comfort Stations at the Comfort Station gig. Check out the whole set of pictures on flickr.
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I just had a look at the last time I posted anything on the bar project, and realized that I’m way overdue. Last posting was January 16th!! My apologies to all my loyal readers 🙂 Although things haven’t been steady, I have definitely made a lot of progress since the last update. I had to first go out and buy a router table, and then put it to extremely good use by routing all of the various pieces for the bar. Who knew cabinet making was such labour-intensive work? I can definitely appreciate why custom-built cabinets cost big bucks. Every step along the way has unique challenges. In the picture to the right, I’m holding up a couple of my favourite examples of routed wood. These pieces are for the cabinet doors. I’m not even sure of what all the steps were called for those pieces. I think I did some rabbets, mortises, tenons, and even some radiusing. Of course, when it’s all done, to you, it’ll just look like a cabinet door. To me however, I’ll remember that at the onset, it was a rough piece of 1×6 Clear Red Oak, 8 feet long, and some 1/4″ Oak plywood! There’s a certain satisfaction in doing something all by myself from scratch. It can be pretty relaxing.
Yup, as the picture suggests, I’ve now turned into one of ‘those’ people. I’m a pod person. I’m now the proud owner of a new toy, in the form of a 30 Gig, 5th generation video iPod. I came to own this little beauty in a spontaneous, roundabout kind of way. Last week, I showed up at work, and we were having a silent auction at lunch to raise funds for charity. There was quite a few unimpressive ‘prizes’ like logo’ed shirts from phone and broadcast companies, some dvds, cds, and sports tickets, but there was also this nice little iPod. Of course, I was well aware that it would fetch quite a few bids, and I wasn’t even convinced that I wanted it. In the end, I put in a bid of $250… and won! Overall, I’d say I did get a reasonable deal. They sell for $300+tax online and in stores, so I saved about $90.
To finish off my marathon of blogging today, I thought I’d share with you a picture of my completed bar. As most of you know, I’ve been working away for the better part of 5 months on my bar project. It was an on-again off-again sort of affair, with me putting in any free time I could find into the crafting of this mega piece of functional furniture. Well, all the hard work has paid off! The bar is officially complete! The only thing left to do now is decorate the back wall with some pictures. I’ve filled in the cracks and varnished them over. I’ve also stocked the shelves with delicious booze, hung all the stemware on my recently-completed stemware rack (designed and built by me), bought a new blender for the bar, and I’ve even fixed the door that Matt broke over the weekend when he was watching Jonah! (I knew it needed fixing before though, so I’m not mad) I’ve got to say, I’m extremely proud of my accomplishment. When I started this project, I had a stack of papers, a stack of straight boards, and a dream. I’ve had to teach myself a lot about woodworking, and endure the inevitable slip-ups that go along with it. At the end of the day, I won’t even hazzard a guess at my total project cost (especially when you factor in the tools I had to buy!). Needless to say, you can’t really put a price on it. I suppose a carpenter could custom build a bar for you, and a solid oak bar like mine would cost you thousands of dollars. However, it would never be the same as knowing you built it yourself, with your own two hands. I know every detail, every flaw, every grain in the wood. It’s a cool feeling. To see the whole progression of the project, you can of course head over to the bar folder on flickr. I guess I like the sense of ownership and accomplishment on completing a big project. In the past, those projects would have been our deck, the shed, the roof, and the CDs I’ve recorded and mixed entirely on my own in the studio for my past bands, the Picklecatz and Comfort Station. Looking forward, I’ve got my 6-month bike odyssey in New Zealand and the Southern Traverse to look forward too. I don’t like sitting still too long without something big on the go I guess. I think I’ll take the next while off though, and try to actually enjoy this bar. Anyone up for a drink? 😉
Welcome back everyone! As I write this blog post, I’ve been playing Bachelor for about two weeks now, with still another week to go. The biggest question I’ve been getting lately is ‘how are you enjoying the bachelor life?’ Well, I guess ths short answer is that I’m pretty much bored with it. I’ve been doing little chores around the house, got everything cleaned up, etc. etc. There’s only so many things I can do while I’m alone here 😉 Luckily, with the training, there’s not been any downtime to speak of. It turns out that nothing gets done if I don’t do it when I’m alone! However, not to fear, I haven’t been a total square the entire time. The older we get, the harder it seems to be for the boys to get together. So, in order to make up for that, I decided that I had better at least have one boys night while Jody was away. I decided that the best time to do that would be the same day that she left. This little blog post will fill you in on at least some of the details. Read on.