Alrighty, now that Kev has worked out some kinks in the mighty system, I’m ready to blog directly from within Flickr. Sweet.. Yes Boris, perhaps I will achieve Zen and use Flock eventually, but for now, gotta get my training wheels on right. At any rate, here you will see a picture taken last Canada Day (July 1, 2005). My band, named Comfort Station was playing at an outdoor party for a crowd of about 500. It was sweet. Anyway, this was a shot of the Comfort Stations at the Comfort Station gig. Check out the whole set of pictures on flickr.
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Howdy all! Well, the full title of the post might actually be more like A Hard Night Drinking Leads to … A Hard Day Biking, but I thought that was a bit too long for a blog posting title, and might be a bit misleading 😉 This little story is about a biking tour that I signed up to do more or less on a whim a couple weeks back. In fact, it was the day after my Iron distance triathlon that someone mentioned they were going to do it, so I decided I’d sign up as well. After all, in my mind, a 170km bike ride on a Sunday would be a nice way to spend a day, now that I knew I could handle those distances. After all, this was billed as a “Tour”, not a “Race”, with a sport group and a touring group. That was my plan, to just take it easy and tour. Well, things don’t always go the way you plan, and if you read on, you’ll read what I mean by that in the context of this event. If you’d like, you can check out a map that I put together of the bike ride. Sadly, there are only 6 pictures, as all the batteries I had brought were dead. However, you can go to flickr, and check out other pics that explain the story as well!
When it’s a friggin incredible deal!! Take this tri-suit pictured to the left here. I got an incredible deal on it. Now, I may seem to go a little overboard sometimes on my gear purchases, but that’s because I look around for bargains. Most of my gear was bought either used or on clearance of some sort. This tri suit is no exception. This one in particular is the Ti3 Elite Tri Suit by Orca, arguably the best tri-suit in the world. Last year, I wanted one of these, but there was no way I could afford it. They run $180+tax new! Enter great local shops and their great service. I bought this baby at one of the best local stores for triathletes, Cyclelogik. I can’t recommend them enough. Guess what I paid for this? Give up? $20!!!!! Yeah, that’s right, less than what I’d have to pay for a pair of shorts or a T-shirt. Heck, 10 minutes later I paid $17 for a pair of underwear!
The Nanaimo Bar management is pleased to announce that the newly-renovated facilities are ready for use! That’s right, work has been completed on the new oak bar fixtures in the renovated basement of the Cheshire Studios and home complex. After 5ish months of spotty labour (you get what you pay for), the beautiful 8 foot bar is done. Not only is it done, but it’s now fairly well stocked. I finished off work last week, but hadn’t gotten around to posting anything on the completed project. The picture at the right shows the back of the bar, with the cabinet doors on, and the fridge it place. The cabinets to the left of the fridge are loaded up with all sorts of libations for future consumption. If you’d like to see a few more pictures of the bar, click over to flickr.
Ok, so I wasn’t really biking in Hawaii, but I sort of experienced what biking in that neck of the woods might be like. This will in fact be a different sort of post for me, because it’s actually going to be… wait for it… a product review! What?! I’m sure you’re wondering why, and fear not, your questions will all be answered, and you’ll also get to laugh at me trying to do yoga, and read about a set of cycling DVDs that are new(ish) to the market. Yup, my tireless blogging and training has finally got me some notice. I noticed a comment on my site less than 2 weeks ago asking me if I’d like to review some spinning DVDs, as I’m a cycling blogger, and the gent thought I’d be interested. What follows in the next few paragraphs will explain how I came to get those DVDs, and just what I thought of them. I had to get cracking on it, because with the nicer weather, I didn’t want to stay locked up in my basement spinning anymore, so I sacrificed a Friday night to bring you this review and the associated pictures and videos, all of which you can check out on the flickr folder I put them in. But before that, you might as well just hit the read link, since I’ve embedded the videos as well.