Search results for: node/Saudi%20Arabia

23 results

Into the Wild

Hey Gang! I figure it’s high time that I write a little blog post to let you know what’s new in Steve-land. Not too much actually, as you can probably tell by my rather sporadic posts of late. However, I’ve been keeping busy and having a good time whenever possible. To wit: the 2008 Fall Classic poker tourney out at Calabogie at Jim’s cabin. I lobbied to get a few more of the gang out there, but space is pretty tight, so the core group were all that could make it out. However, there may be space for the winter classic when that rolls around! As is becoming tradition, every year around hunting season, Jim has us out for a great guys weekend, where we are treated to deer meat (sausages this time), and some great poker action. Read on for a bit more about the weekend, and other stuff I’ve been up to. To check out some pics, head over to flickr.

Following the Taste Trail

Howdy my friends! Time for another quick tale of fun and excitement from the pages of my travel journal. Right off the bat, I’m going to admit something to all of you. Jody and I simply haven’t had the chance to get away just the two of us for quite some time. As it turns out, between our various international trips last year, due mainly to my own selfish NZ ambitions, we just didn’t travel together. While this was admittedly not a conscious decision, we certainly do plan to rectify that in the coming years by having some more excellent international adventures! In order to get back on that track, we decided it best to start small by a weekend getaway in the beautiful area around Picton known as Prince Edward county. There are a bunch of new wineries springing up, and we decided to do some cycle wine touring and stay in a B and B. Of course, another major reason for this getaway was to meet up with my sister Andrea, as well as Patrick and Helena. More on that later on if you read the full post, but in the meantime, you can have a gander at a little custom map that I put together of our wine touring, as well as the pictures that Jody posted on flickr.

Spending Time with Family

Howdy all you friendly people out there in the world wide world. Hope everyone is doing well, and that you’re not missing me too much. I realize that I must sound like a broken record, but once again, I’ll apologize for my lack of blogging of late. Getting back to domestic life takes a lot out of a person you know? Also, after spending my entire days at work on a computer, I must admit that I don’t much feel like firing up the ole PC to write when I haven’t been doing very much. Lucky for you, I’ve got a few stories to share with you. So many in fact, that I’ll spread them out over two posts. This one will be all about my mini family reunion that took place last week. Yup, Andrea, Patrick and Helena were over from Saudi Arabia, and by dad and his wife Nicole made the trip up from Nova Scotia. Read on for more details, and check out some relevant pictures!

Biking from Waihi to Tauranga

Hi Gang. Wow, time flies doesn’t it? I’m already another day behind in my blog posts, so I’ll have to be somewhat brief as I prepare this little monologue for you all. The last post was coming live from my tent in the middle of Waihi, the mining town. Well, this one is coming to you from the comfort of a beautiful home in Tauranga, where I’m spending New Years thanks to some contacts I received by way of my sister in Saudi Arabia. Thanks Sis! This post will focus on my ride to Tauranga, and the next one on the activities I did in the past day and a half. As you know, there is a map already up on the website, so check it out. I’ve also now had the opportunity to upload all of the pictures I’ve taken to date on this trip, so please feel free to view them all on Flickr.

Marvelous Morocco: Medinas, Medersas, Minarets and Mosques

Hassan II Mosque

Hello world! It has been simply far too long since I’ve taken the time to write a few words to all my dear readers. This is partly due to a number of distractions at home and with work, and partly due to the fact that Deanna and I were quite busy jet-setting. As you may have guessed from the marvelous alliteration in the title, we were off to Morocco taking in the sights, smells, and sounds of that amazing country. I’ll split the story into 2 or 3 posts, starting with this one. In this post, I’ll focus on the cities that we visited. Our trip was broken into bits of urban exploration, then some adventures in the mountains, desert, and caves. We covered a lot of ground and had a lot of experiences in our two weeks, far too many to cover in full detail. So here’s hoping I can be somewhat brief! Of course, there were also a LOT of pictures taken, and we’ll sort those all by day or location to make it easiest. You can check out all the pictures over on flickr. We’re in the process of creating one big collection with many sets. Keep checking back for more pictures as we post them. Have a look now, then head back here to read more.