Search results for: node/Saudi%20Arabia

23 results

Ahead by a Century

Hello everyone out there! SuperSickSteve here reporting again, this time from his sick bed. Yup, I’m still going downhill. Today, I’ve had a nice little fever and aching joints and running nose and plugged throat all day! It’s really fantastic! Not! In spite of this, I managed to post my longest day yet, clocking over 105km on the bike to get to Whataroa, where I’m reporting to you live from a caravan, or RV if you will. Yup, for 23.50 (I got a deal) I have a little aluminum box all to myself for the night. Two beds, a toaster, a water pot, and electricity. Sadly, no Internet. However, given the on and off pouring rain and the cold temps outside, I’d say I’m doing all right despite the fact that I’m in a little tiny village along the glacier highway. Today was a good riding day for the first 75 or so km, then it got really tough for me. Not just because of Mount Hercules, but due to a group of cycle tourists known as Pedaltours. Read on for more, and check out the map.

Catching up with ActiveSteve

Hello all! Well, doubtlessly there are those out there who have been starting to wonder what is happening with good ole ActiveSteve. Well, fear not, I’m about to fill you all in on the most recent happenings 🙂 There have been a number of contributing factors as to my delay, not the least of which is the fact that my home computer crapped out on me, causing me a certain amount of grief in the interim. However, all that is sorted out, and I’m now typing this on a brand new machine that I’ve put together. Oh yeah, and since I was getting a new computer, I decided that it was time to build a new computer desk. You can see the pictures from that little project over on flickr. Of course getting a new computer never is as easy as plug in and go, and I spent many late nights (and continue to) recovering old data, as well as configuring both my new computer, and my resurrected old computer (it now will be my dedicated music studio machine). Now, as exciting as that probably is to some of you, others are probably more interested in some of the other recent activities, so with that in mind, read on at the link and find out what’s new.

Weddings and Watery Adventures

Good day fine people. Hope all is well with everyone on the big end of the Internet. I know I’ve just recently posted a little story for you all, but I have another little post I wanted to get out before the Thanksgiving weekend. The above title has two different meanings. The first is in relation to the PADI course that Jody and I are taking, and the second is a recent soiree that we had at the Ottawa New Edinburgh Club boathouse for a wedding reception. Both of these two meanings are worth at least a little post, so here you are. If you’d like, you can also look at some pictures that I took while we were at the pool for some of our confined water dives. After you’ve had a good laugh at those, continue reading the rest of my post. We’ve also put up a whole bunch of pictures of the wedding.

24 Hours in London

Hello hello my dear friends. Hope you’re all doing well. As for me, well, it’s been a whirlwind 24 hours in jolly ole England. I’ve just cleared all the security hurdles, and now find myself with a couple hours to kill before we board our flight for Riyadh. What better time to fire off a blog post than right now? I’ve even had a chance to download the pictures from my camera and get them captioned, so hopefully I’ll be able to upload some of those in the near term as well. If not, then I apologize. At any rate, the arrival into London went very smoothly, and there were no issues getting our bags and getting through customs. Before we knew it, we were starting the longish trek to find the tube station which would whisk us into London proper. We decided to just buy some day passes so that we could get to a few of the sights a little easier than on foot. Read on for a full dump of the day, and what we got up to in our brief time, made even more complicated by the fact that we were a little tired. Click here for pictures.

Christmas Eve Excitement

Another day, another series of little stories to share with you all. I’ll try not to get too long winded as if I do that, I’ll never actually get these posts done 🙂 At the end of my last tale, we had just wrapped up day 1 with a great view of Riyadh at night, and head headed off to slumber to get ready for another day of fun. Andrea had to work once again, but only for a half day, but it was long enough that we had a chance to head out for a little more exploration with Patrick and Helena in their SUV. The target of our exploration this time around was to be the Wadi , or creek-bed that lies around Riyadh and the DQ. This area only gets rain a few times in the year, but when it does, it causes flash flooding sometimes. This is the area where it would happen, but for most of the year, it is actually a roadway of sorts. Read on for a little bit about that as well as some other things I did on Christmas Eve. As usual, don’t forget to check out flickr for more great shots!