Wow, things really get different in the off season for me! This past weekend was a complete departure from the disciplined Steve that I’ve been of late. Instead of denying myself all of my vices in order to train hard, I decided to just ‘let my hair down’ and party hard. Luckily, the doctor had just what I ordered. Friday night was set to be the Dr. Teeth year end party, to celebrate the close of yet another year of playing Ultimate Frisbee. A nice laid back (and by laid back I mean really intense) evening at Dave’s crib with the team-mates. Then, instead of recovering and taking it easy on Saturday, it turned out that it was our good friend Andy’s Birthday! Huzzah. Hmmm, now, how to celebrate that occasion? Why, Lucky Ron of course, with its associated delicious quarts of beer, followed by a nice pub meal at Patty Bolands, along with more beer, then off to some place called ‘Collection’ for a crazy round of Martinis (thanks I-A!). Now, normally, this would conclude my broadcasting night, but instead, we had to head to yet another party at McLarens on Elgin, to help Ian and Esther celbrate their upcoming wedding in New Brunswick. Yikes, turned into another crazy evening again! What follows isn’t for the faint of heart 😉