Howdy folks! Have you been missing me of late? There really hasn’t been that much to fill you all in on that would be of great interest. Basically, I’ve been training and packing and working. Boring, right? Also ActiveSteve has been operating out of a temporary location, and that hasn’t been all that conducive to doing much other than the things I’ve listed. However, that is all about to change tomorrow, on April 1st. Why you ask? Because I’m pulling up stakes and heading to a whole other province to my new house! Yup, it’s moving day! Get the keys at noon, and movers should show up at the old place soon after. I imagine you are all now wondering what sort of casa I managed to find in a short period, right? Well, you’re curiosity will be rewarded. For starters, just check out the folder of pictures that I put up on flickr. Afterwards, read on for a few more details.
Now that you’ve checked those out, I would imagine you have some additional questions. Well, first off, you’ll note that there are a lot of construction pictures. That’s because I’m lucky enough to be only the second owner, and the original owner has only been in the house for less than 18 months. That means it is pretty much new, and even comes with a home warranty. Sweet right? Also, the owner upgraded a lot of the fixtures making it a really perfect move-in condition house. My only immediate reno work will be to re-wire the basement and other floors for the sound system. No painting, no repairs, nothing. Just open the door and move in.
Right, so now you want to know where I live right? Let me put it this way. I’m 2 minutes from Gatineau Park. I’m 12-15 minutes from the market. I’m 12-15 minutes from Westboro. I’m 12-15 minutes to downtown. How does that sound? Not too bad right? Not only that, but my work commute has almost been cut in half, and will no longer mean frustration related to buses and bridges. That’s right, I’m moving to Gatineau! I had to give it some long hard thought, but I decided that for me, it truly is a good move. I’m closer to work, closer to my passions (being the park for training), found a new home for a reasonable price (note that prices on this side of the river are almost 20% less over there for comparable homes, probably even better considering my proximity to things. In Ottawa, a similar place would have meant moving to Barrhaven, or Kanata, or Gloucester / Orleans. None of which would have made me particularly happy.
So there you have it. A quick post on what I’m up to. I’ll be without Internet for a week or so I guess, so I figured I’d fire out a post prior to moving. Now just because I’m in another province, it doesn’t mean you can’t all visit me. My contact info hasn’t changed, and I can easily give directions to my place. Planing to hit the park for hiking, swimming, running, or biking (mtb or road)? Drop me a line. I’ve got a great backyard too. Ideal spot for post-training beers As you can guess, I’m looking forward to the summer, and making the most of the Park! Hope to see you all out there. Till then, love what you do, and do what you love!