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Greetings folks, and sorry for such a long delay between posts. Quite frankly, there hasn’t been enough of interest happening to warrant me making a post. After all, I don’t just want to write these stories for the sake of writing. That would be boring. I doubt you really want me to write about life back in the cubicle farm. New cube, new view, new tasks, but more of the same, know what I’m sayin’? Also, my mega-map project hasn’t quite got off the launch pad yet. I’ve got the pictures sorted, and started working on it, but it’s a bit tedious, because I still need to purge my ‘best of’ shots down to a bare minimum for the map, and that has to happen before I import the GPS logs. So my apologies, but it’s still on the agenda. Also, special shout ouf to Mason for the title idea, apparently, he’s been left a little short of reading material since I got back, and was hoping I’d get back to blogging. So here I am. Let me take you through a few of the medical mayhem mysteries I’ve been subjected to, since they’re sort of interesting (trust me, you’ll get a real kick out of one of my stories). Read on land-lubbers.
Wow! What a difference a single week can make. One week ago, I had just finished what was arguably my hardest race ever, when I completed a full iron-distance triathlon in under 13 hours in really tough conditions. Well, flash forward to this past weekend, and I once again found myself toeing the line at another race event. What was I up to this time you ask? Well, on the schedule was Logs, Rocks, and Steel, an off-road multisport race consisting of 12km of paddling, 52km of mountain biking, and 17km of trail running. I was covering the event for Get Out There Magazine, and you can check out the video that I made for that. I competed in the race last year as well, but unfortunately, the outcome of that race was less than stellar. I’m happy to say that this year, conditions were much better, and the fact that I put no pressure on myself landed me a good result. Check out all the pics that I took while there, then read the rest of my post.
So a while back, I promised to blog a bit more about Cuba, and specifically about our snorkelling adventures while we were down there. Well, we finally got around to posting the pictures from the underwater camera, so I guess now is a good time to write about that. Gotta love those little disposable numbers. We took one down with us to Cuba over the holidays to catch us in underwater action. It helps a lot that the water is pretty clear, and that there is cool stuff to be found. The picture to the left is of a piece of brain coral that was in the water in the beach in front of the resort. We took some pictures during our Jeep safari day (see the crazy drunk russian post), volleyball action in the pool, and snorkelling in front of the resort. Overall, they turned out pretty good. The coral in the area we were frequenting weren’t the really colorful stuff, but we’ve definitely decided we’d like to do some more snorkelling elsewhere in the world. I had brought down one nice set of mask / fins / snorkel that I bought at MEC, and we decided we’ll have to buy another set.
After spending over 5 total days basically in transit, it is finally time for this story to take us into the actual […]