Makin’ it Pretty….

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Alrighty then, second bar update in under an hour. How’s that for service! Lucky for me tonight is a slow training night. Just working out on the ole Bowflex, which gives me time to type between sets. That’s basically the reason I’ve been a slacker on updates as well as the bar building itself. I’m basically putting in lots of training time. Evenings and weekends. Running, swimming, spinning, wave-running, working out… Not to mention the snowshoe races, Winterlude duathlon, and upcoming winter adventure race! When I’m done, I’m usually pooped, and just feel like veggin’. Oh yeah, and add to that the intense Olympic fever I’ve got, forcing me to watch extra TV! Looks like I’m getting a bit off topic, doesn’t it? Sorry. Just felt I should explain myself. That and tonight I seem to have a little extra time to type away here. It’s nice for a change. Anyway, on with my story…

I’ve been saying for quite some time now that I’d someday like to own a real bar. i.e. a commercial drinking establishment. This build is my attempt at putting a private trial-run in my basement for personal use. I’ve determined this much: I likely won’t build my own bar if I ever own a real one! It’s a lot of work. I still think that I’ll take up woodworking as a hobby as I get older though.

So, after the routing was completed, I started sanding all the little pieces that I wanted to get stained and varnished first. I started that process last week, and if I thought that routing was dusty, it was NOTHING compared do the fine sanding. I decided that I’d try to get some of the pieces stained and varnished before the rest, so that I could get them out of the workshop while I started the actual construction phase. As it is, all the pieces are taking up way too much space. Tonight I finally started my first staining. I’m doing the cabinet doors, the pillasters, rear hand rail, and kick plates. Once I get them done, I’ll put the doors together, just so that I feel like I’m actually accomplishing something 🙂

Staining is actually pretty easy, and very relaxing. It’s really nice to finally see the oak darken up a bit, and have the grain brought out. I really think this thing is gonna look sharp when it’s done! Well, that’s it for now, I’ll post more pictures once the cabinet doors are together. Hopefully next week. After all, I have to do two coats of stain, as well as three coats of varnish to make sure the inevitable spilled drinks won’t hurt the wood.

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